When assessing risk posed by environmental liabilities, it has become increasingly clear that regulatory closure should be viewed as only an interim milestone. This is because the various strategy options for eliminating exposure pathways and attaining regulatory closure can have vastly different costs when it comes to future liabilities and long-term stewardship (LTS). All too often, remediation strategies focus on short term costs without factoring in requirements for proper LTS and the associated costs of implementation.
A Business Case Approach to Site Clean Up covers:
A guide to cost-effective remediation planning, and understanding your total cost to remediate
Case studies with cost analyses of different remediation approaches considered
Use of in situ remediation and vapor intrusion mitigation as a means of cost savings
About the Author:
Jeffrey Carnahan, MS, LPG
President, EnviroForensics & PolicyFind
Jeffrey Carnahan, MS, LPG is a Licensed Professional Geologist with over 20 years of environmental consulting and remediation experience. He works primarily with complex chlorinated solvent releases within voluntary and enforcement cleanup programs administered by various State agencies and the U.S. EPA. Additionally, Mr. Carnahan has over 15 years of experience in the investigation and mitigation of vapor intrusion issues, and advises the VI Assessment & Mitigation Team at EnviroForensics. Throughout his career he has provided technical support to responsible parties and the legal community regarding the causes, origin, timing, and costs of environmental releases. Specifically, his litigation and expert opinions experience focus primarily on quantifying the long-term costs of environmental cleanup and liability.