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PlumeStop® Liquid Activated Carbon™ is composed of very fine particles of activated carbon (1-2 μm) suspended in water through the use of unique organic polymer dispersion chemistry. Once in the subsurface, the material behaves as a colloidal biomatrix, binding to the aquifer matrix, rapidly removing contaminants from groundwater, and expediting permanent contaminant biodegradation. Unlike any other sorbent technology, PlumeStop can be installed in the subsurface through dispersive flow from low-pressure injection (without fracturing the formation), providing a wide-area thin-film coating of the aquifer matrix. It does not create preferential flow pathways, plug the formation, or compromise monitoring wells through extreme carbon loading, as is often the case with pressure-emplaced powdered activated carbon products. More information on low-pressure ease of distribution and dispersive emplacement of PlumeStop can be found in PlumeStop Technical Bulletin 1.1: Distribution through a Permeable Medium.

PlumeStop Technical Bulletin 4.1 covers:

  • PlumeStop binding site bio-regeneration

  • Extended functional longevity