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This case study reviews a semi-truck that was hauling gasoline and diesel and overturned into a dry irrigation ditch in Montana. The diesel tanks ruptured and released fuel into the ditch, impacting the shallow water table with petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs), including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX).

Case study highlights:

  • No further action received
  • Potential impacts to scenic river eliminated
  • 2400 pounds of PetroFix applied to fuel spill excavation

The irrigation ditch feeds a larger irrigation canal that empties into the Yellowstone River. In response, an area of approximately 2,500 square feet area was excavated and approximately 800 tons of the grossly impacted soils were removed. Following the emergency response effort, Pioneer Technical Services, Inc. (Pioneer) reviewed the emergency response report, completed a site inspection and met with the property owner to discuss the emergency response clean-up reconstruction methods and materials to be used.