This case study reviews the in situ remediation strategy implemented across the largest train maintenance depot in northern Europe, located in Hagalund, Sweden.
Case study highlights:
- Carefully designed integrated remediation strategy used physical, chemical, sorptive and biological treatment
- Innovative use of PetroFix Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs) completed to prevent residual contaminant egress from outside of the treatment area and protect against future spills
- Significant reductions of petroleum hydrocarbons have been achieved onsite - starting with LNAPL and reaching stringent target values - within nine months
As part of the remedial application, Swedish remediation contractor Envytech installed a network of additional monitoring wells across the site. This was done to better delineate the plume and identify any unknown contamination prior to commencement of remediation. Site investigations identified LNAPL across much of the northern area of the site, which required a revised groundwater remediation strategy.