In this webinar we were pleased to have as a special guest speaker Jeff Hale, Practice Leader - Emerging Contaminants at Woodard and Curran. His presentation discussed attaining PFAS criteria in groundwater. He was joined by Dr. Kristen Thoreson, Vice President of Quality and Process Improvement at REGENESIS, who discussed the latest developments about colloidal activated carbon's use in the remediation industry as a low-cost method of eliminating PFAS risk.
Highlights of this free webinar:
Examination of the practicability of attaining PFAS criteria in groundwater and the distance from source at which these regulatory criteria are attained
Empirical fate & transport modeling using available data sources demonstrates expected distances to attainment of regulatory criteria
Use of colloidal activate carbon to eliminate risk of PFAS contamination in groundwater
Regulatory jurisdictions are establishing increasingly stringent, health-based criteria for per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in groundwater with the aim of protecting receptors at the point of exposure. The practicability of attaining these criteria in groundwater and the distance from source at which these regulatory criteria are attained without intervention have received little evaluation. Empirical fate & transport modeling using available data sources demonstrates expected distances to attainment, as well as the sensitivity of that attainment distance to various regulatory criteria and guidance values. The statistical distribution of these PFAS data sets also informs the approach and practicability of potential groundwater remedies.
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About the Presenters:
Jeff Hale
Practice Leader - Emerging Contaminants, Woodard and Curran
Jeff Hale serves as Practice Leader - Emerging Contaminants at Woodard and Curran. Jeff provides consultation, strategy, and direction for challenging environmental and natural resources issues with emphasis on PFAS, emerging contaminants, complex sites, remediation, liability management, and environmental forensics. He is a thought leader for emerging environmental issues, having served on expert panels and chaired multiple working groups on environmental issues ranging from hydraulic fracturing to emerging contaminants. Jeff’s core technical expertise includes contaminant hydrogeology, fate and transport, and fractured bedrock characterization.
Kristen Thoreson, PhD
Vice President of Quality and Process Improvement, REGENESIS
Dr. Thoreson serves as the Vice President of Quality and Process Improvement, where she manages and
evaluates our company-wide quality processes and continuous improvement activities to ensure
consistencye and reliability in product quality, performance, and service. Prior to this role, Dr. Thoreson
served as the Vice President of Research of Development for REGENESIS and Land Science, where she lead
the development and implementation of many numerous products and technologies. Dr. Thoreson is an
inventor on several issued patents and is a frequent speaker at scientific industry events. Before joining
REGENESIS, she spent time as a postdoctoral associate at Helmholtz Zentrum, the German Research Center
for Environmental Health, in Münich, Germany. Dr. Thoreson is trained as a chemist and was instrumental
in the development and award of a number of US patents . She earned her B.S. in chemistry from the
University of Wisconsin – La Crosse, and her Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Minnesota. Before
joining REGENESIS, she spent time as a postdoctoral associate at Helmholtz Zentrum, the German Research
Center for Environmental Health, in Münich, Germany.