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REGENESIS invites you to attend our upcoming Spring Webinars featuring three events with key environmental thought leaders. Topics will cover petroleum hydrocarbon remediation optimization and lessons from the field, as well as a proven PFAS remediation technology that promisses to save the DoD billions. Each webinar will provide an opportunity for questions and answers. Certificates of completion are available on request. Sign up for the upcoming webinars today!*

* NOTE: We encourage you to register even if you are unable to attend every event since you will receive each of the recordings following their scheduled broadcast dates.

Petroleum Hydrocarbon Biodegradation Advances: Tools & Lessons from the Field

Thursday, April 24th, 2025 | 11am pacific/2pm eastern

REGENESIS Remediation Solutions In this webinar we are pleased to have special guest speakers Dora Taggart, President and CEO of Microbial Insights, Inc. and Jack Sheldon, Senior Consultant at Antea Group. Their presentation will address the science of petroleum hydrocarbon biodegradation including the complexity of PHC mixtures and biodegradative pathways, and lessons learned from field applications of micron-scale activated carbon.

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Proven PFAS Remediation Technology Promises to Save DoD Billions

Thursday, May 22nd, 2025 | 11am pacific/2pm eastern

In this webinar we are pleased to have a special presentation by Jeremy Birnstingl, BSc, PhD, FRSC, CEnv., Vice President – Environmental Technology at REGENESIS. He will present a formal cost comparison of a hypothetical PlumeStop colloidal activated carbon barrier and an installed pump-and-treat (P&T) hydraulic containment system for remediation of a PFAS plume at the former Wurtsmith Air Force Base in Oscoda, Michigan.

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Optimizing Remedial Performance Results for High-Mass Petroleum Plumes

Tuesday, June 17th, 2025 | 11am pacific/2pm eastern

REGENESIS Remediation Solutions In this webinar we were pleased to have special guest speaker Rick McGregor, President of InSitu Remediation Services Ltd. His presentation will discuss a study designed to evaluate if colloidal activated carbon supplemented with electron acceptors including oxygen releasing material (ORM), nitrate-releasing material (NRM), and sulfate-releasing material (SRM) had a demonstrated effect on the treatment and lifespan of high-mass petroleum hydrocarbon plumes at a complex legacy field site.

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