In this webinar we were pleased to have as a special guest speakers Jeff Carnahan, President of EnviroForensics, and Richard Reich, Managing Director and Central Regional Leader at Aon Environmental Service Group. Their presentation discussed historical and contemporary insurance to help manage remediation costs and risks.
Learn the following in this free webinar:
Contemporary insurance products intended specifically to offset risks in today’s environmental market
How modern specialty insurance products can solve the threat of an environmental release and the threat of legal action being taken against a policyholder due to environmental issues
Types of existing coverage that may be useful in paying for environmental contamination
Types of new coverage that are available to responsible parties and practitioners to help them manage their risks
Believe it or not, General Liability (GL) insurance policies purchased during the 19th and 20th Century are still being used today to pay for environmental cleanup. This is through the benefits of occurrence coverage. Due to the increase in environmental-related claims in the 1970’s and 80’s, insurers began to restrict environmental coverage on GL policies, and today’s GL policies have only limited pollution coverage. However, insurers have separately developed contemporary products intended specifically to offset risks in today’s environmental market. Typical problems solved through modern specialty insurance products can include the threat of an environmental release, the threat of legal action being taken against a policyholder due to environmental issues, or the threat of encountering environmental unknowns during remediation projects. This presentation will help the audience understand what types of existing coverage may be useful in paying for environmental contamination, and what types of new coverage are available to responsible parties and practitioners to help them manage their risks.
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About the Presenters:
Jeff Carnahan
President, EnviroForensics
Jeff is a professional geologist and the President of EnviroForensics. His core passions are science and performing environmental cleanup, and he has been helping clients put environmental liabilities to bed for nearly 25 years. For over the past decade he has focused on helping responsible parties find and utilize old general liability insurance policies to offset the cost of remediation. At the same time, he leads the EnviroForensics consulting team of engineers and scientists in creating innovative and effective remedial solutions.
Richard Reich Managing Director & Central Regional Leader, Aon Environmental Service Group For the last 20 years, Rich has been responsible for developing environmental risk solutions in the insurance industry for a variety of clients. With his greater than ten years of technical industry experience as an environmental consultant and EPA inspector, Rich endeavors to fully understand the risks involved and then develop a comprehensive solution for clients that he is able to achieve due to his vast knowledge of the appetite of the environmental insurance marketplace. Rich prides himself on coming up with creative and efficient solutions that protect clients to the appropriate levels in a cost-effective manner.