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The following frequently asked questions about zero valent iron are taken from the questions and answers portion of a webinar given by John Freim PhD, ZVI Product Manager and Director of Materials Science at REGENESIS.

A recording of the webinar, “Optimization of ZVI Technology for the In Situ Remediation of Chlorinated Contaminants” is available online and can be accessed in full at

About John Freim, ZVI Product Manager and Director of Materials Science

With a career that includes research grants from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Department of Energy (DOE), Missile Defense Agency (MDA), along with grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and U.S. Air Force (USAF), and successful entrepreneurial environmental remediation experience, Dr. John Freim brings a distinguished track record to his role as Director of Materials Science at REGENESIS®. With over 30 years of expertise in materials processing, and 15 years in the environmental remediation industry, Dr. Freim would seem to be the ideal choice to join REGENESIS and lead the effort to establish the company’s first state-of-the-art colloidal product manufacturing facility. Before joining REGENESIS, Freim had been serving as President of OnMaterials, which he founded to use his expertise in the synthesis and processing of nanopowders and other engineered materials. His research grants from the EPA, NIH, and USAF enabled Freim to develop procedures to affordably manufacture and apply ZVI remediation amendments to contaminated soil and groundwater. Subsequently, in 2003, OnMaterials began selling ZVI products and services to environmental contractors that resulted in several hundred product applications.

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